A Swing at the Next Market Low

My Score indicator is reflective of the overbought and oversold moments in the market. Looking at the chart, you may also see that the previous four lows seem to be equally spaced in time. In fact, they are 141 days, 164 days and 129 days apart. The average length of the time from low to low is 144 days, +- two weeks. If we mark off 144 days from the last low, November 4, 2016 (the Friday before the election), we get March 27th, plus or minus two weeks gives us a projected market low sometime between mid-March and mid-April (tax time). Not a rocket science prediction, but the market does cycle and often observing the cycles on the charts makes anticipating the next move less of a surprise. Any dip during this time frame could be exaggerated by investors selling stocks (at hopefully lower tax rates) to pay 2016 taxes.