The Overdue Correction

AIM investors:

For those of us using AIM, we have been selling for the past two years and
have been waiting for a significant pull back.  It is underway.  The
market takes the stairs up and the elevator down.  For those using
technical recording, be patient, and wait for the signal.  We will not get
in at the exact bottom, but close enough for "government work".  This is
the best buying opportunity in over four years.  If you execute with
discipline, these lower prices will set the table for significant gains
over the next year.  For those doing calendar recording, you also will be
rewarded.  Stick to your recording date. Do not try to catch the falling knife.

Email or call me if you have questions.  Also, I have an updated version
of my AIM spreadsheet available.  If you have taken my "5 Minutes.."
workshop and would like the latest update, send me an email with the date
you attended my workshop and I will send you the updated spreadsheet.